Signs seem simple, but their impact is significant. Whether you use signage simply for branding in your office or for more functional purposes, there is a lot more than just your logo on display.

Signage plays a crucial role in your brand communication, telling your audience who you are and what your business does. Continue reading as we dive into why clear, branded, and strategized signage is so important for your business success.

For personalized advice, contact our team at Signworks today.

What’s the Point of Business Signage?

First things first, let’s talk about the basics of signage. Too many people overlook what their business signage achieves — simply putting their logo onto a colored background and calling it a day. Now, signage certainly has a functional purpose.

Your business could need all kinds of signs, including wall signage, wayfinding signage, sidewalk signage, window signage, and much more. If well-designed, these signs can achieve much more than just their functional purpose.

Good signage has the ability to promote your business, provide your current and potential customers with subtle communication, increase brand awareness, and advertise your brand values. Ultimately, it can help you make a sale or gain a client.

Communicating with Your Target Audience

If you overload your customers with a paragraph of information, they are unlikely to properly read and absorb it all. The average person’s memory is only going to hold on to so much information, after all!

Communication through signage design gives you the opportunity to make things clear, concise, and easy to read. Overwhelming your customers with information can leave a negative impression, but so can leaving them confused and uncertain about things such as directions or services. Simple signage can clearly communicate everything you need, guide your customers, and attract attention to the right areas.

Display Your Brand Character and Values

Your signage has the power to reflect everything about your business. Identity, values, goals — everything! This is why you need to invest a lot of time into your overall branding. A designer is able to help you create a unique and memorable logo, but their work doesn’t stop there. Every tiny piece of detail that goes into signage is going to leave your potential customers with a solid idea about the quality of your business and overall brand character.

Think about fonts for a moment. Even the font you choose is going to have a considerable influence over how your potential customers view your business, brand, and even the quality of your services. Imagine walking up to a law firm to see their sign out front written in Comic Sans or Papyrus. You wouldn’t take it seriously at all. Even the simplest design choices, such as font, color, or image, all aid your branding and tell your audience what you stand for.

Make Your Business Known

Signage is all about putting yourself out there. The signs you use need to concisely communicate to potential customers what your business values and achieves with just one glance.

Outdoor signage is there to attract attention, making your business stand out from competitors and getting passers-by to consider engaging with your services. Indoor signage, even if it’s simply there for safety or guidance, is just as crucial for making yourself known. The more a customer sees your logo and branding, the more memorable it’s going to be — and the more likely they are to think of you first when they may be in need of your services again.

Your signage design needs to be unique, memorable, and easily seen or read. If you design it right, your signage can leave a positive impression and stay in the back of a person’s mind to pop up right when they might need it.

Call Signworks Today to Create Your Perfect Signage

Long story short: your business signage is incredibly important. If designed right, the benefits could astound you. But creating signage that captures your brand identity and communicates well with an audience is no easy feat.

Fortunately, you don’t need to handle the task alone. At Signworks, we have helped create signage for countless businesses and individuals all across the country — and we would love nothing more than to give your business a helping hand as well! Call us today to chat with a friendly team member and learn more about our signage design services.